4月 2020
- 分类:实验室净化工程
- 作者:Super User
- 点击数:3780
PCR实验室又叫基因扩增实验室。PCR是聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction)的简称。是一种分子生物学技术,用于放大特定的DNA片段,可看作生物体外的特殊DNA复制。其特点是能将微量的DNA大幅增加,是分子生物学研究和实验的常规方法,PCR实验室广泛应用于生物学各个领域,
3月 2013
- 分类:实验室净化工程
- 点击数:3408
At screenshot below you can preview how "offline" page looks, when Joomla is switched to the offline mode in global configuration.
4月 2013
- 分类:实验室净化工程
- 作者:Super User
- 点击数:6057
1月 2012
- 分类:实验室净化工程
- 作者:Joomla
- 点击数:6941
This simple diagram was designed to show all module positions, which are available in template.
Content Component
Template is based on Bootstrap grid layout (12 columns - Fluid Width Layout).
Template contain mix of two types of module positions, standard module positions and flexible module positions which are additionally controlled by template.
Standard module positions available in template: toolbar-a, toolbar-b, menu, slider, banner, breadcrumbs, bottom-bar, footer, disclaimer, debug, login, social-bar, to-top-bar.
Flexible module positions available in template: top-a, top-b, maintop-a, maintop-b, mainbottom-a, mainbottom-b, bottom-a, bottom-b, sidebar-left, sidebar-right.
By default, all modules published in these positions are displayed in columns and grouped in rows, up to 4 modules per row. All modules in row will have an equal widths. Additionally, you can switched desired flexible module position to "custom widths", to use custom alternative layout for modules. You can set manually width of every single module. With custom widths option selected you can publish up to 12 modules in a single position, all modules are displayed in a single row.
This option utilizes native function introduced in Joomla 3, named "Bootstrap Size" and it can be found in advanced settings of every module.
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